Just Been Paid - Jss Tripler by Frederick Mann, How Can I Get Money
(Frederick Mann is the main designer of JustBeenPaid! (JBP) and JSS-Tripler.)
I've been earning a fulltime online income since 1997. I've been involved with many online moneymaking programs, including programs with a range of more or less "standard" compensation plans, HYIPs, AutoSurfs, cyclers, doublers, revenue-share programs, etc.
For several years, I've been looking for a way to make a high-return program of the "2%-per-day" type indefinitely sustainable. I'm glad to report that I've Found the Answer!
The mechanism that makes the "Answer" possible is called "DAMM" (Double Asset Money Multiplier).
For many years, I've been observing the phenomenon of about 98% of wannabe online moneymakers not doing very well. I've interacted with thousands of people in my attempts to help them become more successful. I'm glad to report that I have at least a partial solution for them: The "98% Solution!"
Click Here for more details of "My Winning Formula!"
Kevin Waldron used Facebook to increase his number of referrals from 51 to 199 in 70 days. See our Facebook FAQ.
JSS-Tripler has been a real godsend. Previously it presented me with an opportunity to make some extra cash to clear some debts and set up our dream move to a home in France. However, once my IT contract came to an end, JSS-Tripler has taken on the role of a real financial lifesaver. Since my IT contract ended I've been in a temporary low-paid job, which if it were not for JSS-Tripler, would mean I couldn't cover all my outgoings. JSS-Tripler is making up the difference and for that I sincerely thank Frederick and the JBP Admin team for the concept and their ongoing efforts.
The timing of the Restart couldn't actually have been much worse for me as it coincided with the end of my contract. However, on the other hand, the return of JSS-Tripler to full functionality couldn't have been timed any better -- just in time to help me pay my regular outgoings. During the restart period, I used the downtime to develop my own website and create a Facebook page, both dedicated to JSS-Tripler. Suffice to say that my previous referral count of 51 has rocketed to 199 at the time of writing this testimonial (November 6th 2011). That's 148 referrals in a 70-day period. I'm sure you can do the math -- that's over 2 referrals per day! I also now have over 330 followers/likes on Facebook. And... better still, my top referral is utilising a replica of my homepage to generate a large number of referrals for himself -- proof that sharing your successes and tools a! ctually helps others.
My homepage/website converts like crazy and I owe this to the JSS-Tripler Restart. If it never happened, I wouldn't have concentrated on finding a way to get more referrals. My tip to any member would be to generate your own webpage, Facebook or social networking page and document your successes. People like to see real proof that any program or system is producing results for the average guy (like you and me). And... don't forget the more referrals you generate, the bigger your JBP mailing list becomes. I contact my referrals at least 2 - 3 times a week and ensure they have seen the latest JBP updates. I also ensure they revisit my website to get inspiration from my progress and success and take advantage of my replica homepage offer.
Be bold and confident in your mailings/advertisements. Remember, you are making a statement -- telling people you are successful with JBP/JSS-Tripler, not asking them to join in the hope that you will become successful. In essence, everyone that takes part in JSS-Tripler is successful to a greater or lesser extent. There are no failures, because everyone earns. You are a success and this is in no small part due to Frederick and his team. So thank you once again, I know this is leading to bigger success for me in 2012.
-- Kevin Waldron (aka 'mobilbo' - United Kingdom) I well remember how intrigued I was when I first discovered JustBeenPaid!
Like many people online I realized I was one of the "98%ers" trying to achieve a consistent income online and failing to do so!
As I proceeded to read all the interesting information contained in JBP, I began to realize that there was something different about Frederick Mann, the developer of JBP, and I quickly formed the opinion that he was a man who has "Been there - done that." He'd clearly been on the receiving-end of more than one bad experience with high-return programs and was on a mission to achieve what others could not!
The JustBeenPaid! system is not just a couple of programs strung together; its a powerful moneymaking machine. It has processes which can be learned and followed easily by anyone and most importantly, it works!
I was so impressed by the content of the various aspects of how to become wealthy, etc. within JBP that I decided to do everything I could to apply the important lessons (as described in JBP). I had been in chronic credit card debt. I started in JBP with just $20.00 to purchase 2 positions in JSS Tripler.
I set progressive goals each month and eventually rose to #7 of the Top 20 Earners in JBP. More importantly, during the 6 months since my joining, I systematically grew my daily earnings to a level I never dreamed of whilst at the same time making withdrawals to pay off a 12 year old credit card debt. My success was such that I shared my story with people I came into contact with and a high proportion of them joined -- on the strength of my story.
I have have no hesitation in recommending this program to others as I consider I have given it the most stringent test possible and it has not failed me. In addition, given the additional security features which Frederick Mann has introduced with the Restart Feature, JustBeenPaid! is 'head and -shoulders' above other similar programs I have come across. It has won my vote of confidence!
-- Frank Heath ("Justcantlose")
___________________________"I Lost my last J.O.B. as the groundskeeper for a student housing development in May of 2009. I was collecting Unemployment Compensation and on the constant search for another J.O.B. ...I moved out of my second floor apartment and moved in with my parents.
I found JBP toward the end of 2010, signed up as a free member skimmed the info and it looked like ALOT and I deleted my account (Very Stupid I know).
Then I got involved in a traditional MLM in January of 2011 while still searching for a J.O.B. Long story short, I made about $300-$400 within 4 months before it fell apart and I left. Then in May my Unemployment compensation was exhausted.
I found JBP AGAIN and THIS time my back was to the wall so I said, "I'm going to make this work no matter what I have to do!" I studied for hours a day every single day.
I had $20 per week from my brother for gas to help him run errands (because he doesn't drive). I put $5-$10 in my gas tank and just didn't go anywhere unnecessary or I walked. The rest of the money went into JSS-Tripler. I worked on promoting my affiliate websites everywhere I could for free. I spent a total of around $60-$70 and compounded all referral commissions.
Today, after only 10 months, I now earn a little over double online what my monthly income from my last J.O.B. generated for me. 3/4 of that is from JBP alone!"
-- Paul L. Yeager ("Yeagermeister")
"I joined JustBeenPaid! (JBP) on Aug 3, 2011. I remember this day because it's my son's birthday. Initially, I put in $1,000, then, later, I put in another $7,000 more of my own money.
My current total 2% earnings from JSS-Tripler, taken from my back office: $55,863.60.
My JBP's JSS Traffic Exchange back office shows that I've cycled 127 matrices -- earning me $7,620 gross.
On average, I cycle about 2 matrices a day, earning me $120 gross. I spend about $50-$60 a day on "Placements" and "Premium Upgrades."
If you tell me a day, I can look at my back office and based on how many "Premiums" were purchased, I can tell you how many matrices I am going to cycle on this particular day.
I also work with people in my matrix downlines to speed things along. JSS matrices are the fastest way to make big money and I do my best to assist my referrals to become more successful. My team right now is at least 300 people and about 100 are my direct referrals.
I currently do one-on-one Skype sessions with my referrals to teach them how to cycle their matrices. It makes me happy to see people making money.
I'm one of the most passionate people about JBP among the many thousands of members!"
-- Paul Hong (March 21, 2012)